Professional fulfilment is one of the main ingredients of a happy life. When people come to me with a career or financial issue we work with the following:
Professional Identity
Are you happy in your current job?
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
Are you inspired by your company / colleagues? How often do you experience a feeling of being stuck and unmotivated?
Who did you dream to become professionally, when you were a child?
Are any of your talents and personal interests transferable into that dream job, what is missing?
Oksana will help to identify personal criterias for a professional success focusing on :
Time Management
Attitude and Motivation
Professional Relationships: employer/employee, colleagues, clients
Employed or Self-Employed?
First Steps in running your own business
Executive Coaching
Oksana helps senior executives of SMEs to large organisations with their tactics in reaching businesses’ aspirations. Suggested stages of this type of coaching:
Research into goals and needs of an organisation / a professional group of 3 people and more
Projection : what type of agency/business/organisation the group plans to become & the class of desired clientele
Current state analysis : skills and abilities, reputation, marketability, services, market research competitors, needs of the market
Relationship owner - business : what are the most important results the owner expects from the business; why are his/hers plans and expectations align with his values and Life Dream? Time and Control Theory application.
Strategy incubation : where do you want to end up and what do you need to do to get there, who is supporting you, why is it important
Business Plan : a list of actions, dates, investment, people needed for implementing a strategy into reality
Action implementation : what is required for the plan to happen?
Results analysis : what worked well, what didn’t, what could have been improved?
“ Organisation is created by people, the team work would either make or break a business. “
Oksana consults of wider organisational problems evaluating and proving action plans in the areas:
Hierarchy, skills and relationships in the organisation
Character, skills, abilities and motivation of the members of the staff, morale of the organisation, loyalty, leadership
Conflict resolution through mediation
The place of the leader, respect and loyalty
First impression matters! Have you ever lost a business relationship due to an inappropriate style / classes / cultural clash?
Etiquette, behaviour, language, client relationships
Oksana will work with you to set and launch clear Business & Leadership Strategy, see Bigger Picture, analyse what’s (not) working in Marketing, PR, Office Management, how to leverage your Network more efficiently and establish more sophisticated the Lifestyle and Industry Knowledge.