
Inspiration through experience

Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Balancing Acts: Oksana's Evolution from Relationship Consultant to Self-Love Advocate and Harmony Life Coach

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a life coach named Oksana. For two decades, she had been known as a relationship consultant and a transformational coach, guiding countless individuals towards better relationships and personal growth. However, despite her success, Oksana began to feel a sense of disillusionment in her work.

Through her years of experience, Oksana came to a profound realization - the true harmony of life stemmed from self-love and understanding. She understood that any external change or transformation could only truly happen when individuals changed from within. This epiphany sparked a transformation within Oksana herself.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Ten Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled with self-confidence. That’s pretty much all of us, right? So, what can be done about it? According to life coach Oksana Redfern, quite a lot.

If you’re not content with your current life situation, don’t fret—you have the power to change it. Even small adjustments can lead to significant improvements.

If tackling all ten of these self-esteem boosters at once feels overwhelming, start with just one. Once you’ve mastered it, move on to the next. You can even set up a two-week plan, implementing one tip each day.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Symphony of Life

In the symphony of life, a melody plays,

Harmony of mind, body, and soul ablaze.

Happiness blooms when in unity they align,

Self-love the key, a treasure divine.

In the symphony of life, a melody plays,

Harmony of mind, body, and soul ablaze.

Happiness blooms when in unity they align,

Self-love the key, a treasure divine.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

11 Rules for Aligning with Divine Feminine

Well, please let me introduce Divine Feminine, a subject I have been an adept of for many years.

Divine Feminine Energy is essentially a driving force of the Yin, the twin force of Yang, which is driven by Divine Masculine Energy.

So being a woman means that within your soul there is a Divine Spark of Divine Feminine Energy. You are what your soul is, so all of us are Divine Feminine.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

The importance of Excitement.

When we are align with our values, our lives become rich and fulfilling.

Everyday should be filled with excitement.

The excitement of waking up and looking forward to the day. The feeling of expectation of a lovely and interesting day ahead. The day filled with things we are passionate about. The day full of joy and adventures.

When we are not aligned with our values, we are no longer excited. We do not expect the day ahead to be filled with things we are passionate about. Rather, we envisage hardship and boredom.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Why do we stay with our abusive bad boys?

Coercive control is essentially a form of abuse when an abuser takes control of our actions and physical reality.

It starts with an abuser charming themselves into our life because they have their own plans for us (romantic abuse, abuse of friendship and professional connections).

We love them because they know us better than anyone else and they are our soulmate or a kindred spirit. In reality any predator, and an abuser is a human predator, studies their victim to create a strategy of attack.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

The Star of Hope. Life Compass. Guiding Star. Life Dream.

For people to be motivated to perform any auction, to do anything they need to want to do it.

Every action has a goal.

When it comes to bigger dreams like acquiring a profession, starting a family, buying a house THERE IS A LIFE DREAM.

Life dream is our personal challenge that we were born with a purpose to achieve.

Success of achieving this challenge is ever so sweet!

To be successful in life we need to achieve our Life Dream.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Does money buy you happiness and what to do if you feel lost in your castle?

Not an active poster on social media, I am nevertheless an active user. I watch stories, I follow accounts of my friends, acquaintances and brands.

I have been told that I need to share more as an expert or as an individual, I work on it, but for somebody as shy as myself, it is a challenge on its own. However, this article is not about my IG journey.

Recently I visited a friend and was shocked and upset how different the picture was from the truth.

I keep forgetting how often social medial is used to show off the imaginary wealth, to be seen wealthy equals being successful

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern


Lockdown has been challenging for many of us, a lot of families did not survive it and are going through break up or divorce at the moment.

As a breakup coach, I hold a hand of my clients through this painful process helping them to empower and to start a new chapter.

I’d like to talk to you about dating, what to pay attention to in order to escape the danger and to build a healthy and lasting family.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

What is a romantic relationship? The Basics

Essentially, romantic relationship is a partnership of two individuals who chose to be together in order to create a joint happy life.

The words to note here are:

1. Partnership

2. Two individuals

3. Chose

4. Happy joint life

There are many stories about a saviour coming into someone’s life in a shape of a relationship. That fairy tale scenario does happen, but let me remind you of 70% of marriages that go bust,

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Love is the only answer or What is the essence of Love?

The magical feeling we all crave, the ethereal sensation beyond words, the bright warm shiny something that gives us the ultimate high.

What is Love? Love is as individual as the person feeling it and yet it is universal and understandable by all. Love can be physically felt, sang and played. It can be danced. It can be profoundly emotional. The effect of love is colossal and spreadable to others. Love is the most spoken language and is the only answer.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

A simple guide to planning your week.

Structure is the gift that we can easily give to ourselves for our ultimate creative freedom.

Generally we have numerous tasks, chores and wishes that fill our To Do list. I suggest: dedicate certain days of the week for a particular set of tasks. That way our mind and To Do list would not be drowned by the mediocre routine and will be a playfield for creating the ultimate reality you deserve.

Each day of the week has a planet that governs it and each planet has its own unique properties. The conception of Planetary Days is one of the most ancient in astrology. The names for the days of the week have an obvious planetary connotation.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

Controversial “The Rules” explained.

The controversial “Rules” seem a bit of a blast from the past in our society of strong women and independent women.

The idea of waiting for a man to call, the idea of not taking initiative and being reactive to his behaviour feels wrong and outdated.

I understand you. It pays being proactive at work. It is nice to make decisions, having a plan and sticking to it. It is really rewarding to achieve and to earn. It is very important to have a voice.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

Recently, when I was looking for inspirational quotes I saw “It is never too late to be what you might have been” by George Eliot.

What a wonderful way to say what I had been telling my clients for years.

I used many sentences, but It takes a true genius to put thoughts into words so amply.

I heard the name of course, but I was not familiar with the works of George Elliot. I did a research and was surprised how pioneering and current the life of a woman of 19th century seemed to me.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

You are a survivor!

Hi buddy,

I heard you are distressed.

I sympathise with you my friend.

If you allow, I’ll share my experience of 2014, the year that taught me strength and hope.

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Oksana Redfern Oksana Redfern

3 techniques to fall asleep 

I heard you cannot sleep, tossing and turning in bed, swollen with worry about the future, the survival, the global catastrophe coronavirus brought to the world.

I know you need to be strong and sharp to face this challenge so I want to share some techniques I successfully used throughout my life. You may remember, I experienced some pretty tough situations, perhaps not the lockdown, but on the apocalyptic scale for sure.

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