11 Rules for Aligning with Divine Feminine

Hello my friend, 

Yesterday was an extraordinary day. My older colleague Nadia left me a lovely message saying how proud she is of me as a professional and how much she believes in me. Like a Fairy Godmother she blessed me to become a true version of myself. 

I’ve just experienced yet another transformation and I understand who I truly am. 

This journey would be familiar to many of my colleagues and clients. I personally always have somebody supporting me on my journey. At the beginning of 2021 I made a decision to look after my body and treat it as a temple, I wanted to learn how to eat well and how to exercise in a way that would be sustainable in the future and would allow me to stay young for as long as possible. 

I was lucky enough to be accepted by Jesse to support me on this journey. She is wonderful. Yesterday she made me realise that the subjects I am very passionate about would be interesting to you, my audience. 

Well, please let me introduce Divine Feminine, a subject I have been an adept of for many years.


Divine Feminine Energy is essentially a driving force of the Yin, the twin force of Yang, which is driven by Divine Masculine Energy. 

So being a woman means that within your soul there is a Divine Spark of Divine Feminine Energy. You are what your soul is, so all of us are Divine Feminine. 

Divine Feminine includes but is not limited by feminism, femininity, female empowerment, wife, mother, lover, daughter, sister, friend, all the women that ever were, are and will be. Divine Feminine is also not limited to gender.

 Divine Feminine is Love and Freedom. You are a healer, and you keep your boundaries. You Liberate. You are Courageous. You are Powerful. You are Free. 

To receive the Energy from Divine Feminine you need to align with it. 

11 Rules For Aligning with Divine Feminine by Oksana Stanzione 

 1.     When making a choice between typically Female or typically Male – Chose Female.  (Occupation, form, shape, thought, colour) i.e. Sport – yoga, dance, tennis, classes.

2.     Being a part of a supportive group. Women share energy in a group. Being together with other women makes you stronger, happier and align. i.e. Fitness coach instead of working solo on a goal. 

3.     When choosing a new specialist, helper, chose Female. i.e. hairdresser, Fitness Coach.

4.     Control your emotions, be kind, keep your boundaries.

5.     Be sexy – connect to your inner Flower. 

6.     Be Fit and Healthy and Your Ideal Weight.

7.     Connect to Creation, Creativity and Art. Develop Arts of Languages, Dance, Writing.

8.     Invest in Yourself.

9.     Respect Mother Earth and all her creations. Fight injustice professionally. Spread Love and Power.

10.  Respect Yourself, Dress Well.

11.  Be Pure in your thoughts and actions. 

Once you are aligned with your source, once you receive the Energy and therefore all the power and qualities of Yin, you are free to make your own choices and act accordingly with your needs with Yang, Divine Masculine. 

 I invite you to align and to share your experience with me. 


Best wishes, 


Your Oksana x


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