Symphony of Life

In the symphony of life, a melody plays,

Harmony of mind, body, and soul ablaze.

Happiness blooms when in unity they align,

Self-love the key, a treasure divine.

The mind, a garden of thoughts and dreams,

Nurtured with care, like flowing streams.

Clarity and peace, its fruits so sweet,

In harmony with the body, a perfect feat.

The body, a temple of strength and grace,

A vessel of movement, a sacred space.

Nourished with love, it thrives and shines,

In sync with the soul, pure and divine.

The soul, a spark of eternal light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Connected to all, in a cosmic dance,

Self-love the fuel, a powerful trance.

So cherish yourself, in every way,

Embrace the journey, come what may.

For happiness lies in the harmony within,

Mind, body, and soul, a symphony to begin.


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