A simple guide to planning your week.
Structure is the gift that we can easily give to ourselves for our ultimate creative freedom.
Generally we have numerous tasks, chores and wishes that fill our To Do list. I suggest: dedicate certain days of the week for a particular set of tasks. That way our mind and To Do list would not be drowned by the mediocre routine and will become a playfield for creating the ultimate reality you deserve.
Each day of the week has a planet that governs it and each planet has its own unique properties. The conception of Planetary Days is one of the most ancient in astrology. The names for the days of the week have an obvious planetary connotation.
This sequence of the planetary rulers of the days of the week follows the beams of seven-point star, or heptagram, also known as the Star of the Magi.
And after this, the cyclical sequence of planets is always the same: … – Saturn – Jupiter – Mars – Sun – Venus – Mercury – Moon- … This sequence is named the Chaldean Sequence and it is deeply rooted in the ancient philosophy. You might notice that in this sequence the planets are ordered by their relative speed as observed from the Earth, the Moon being the fastest and Saturn – the slowest.
Planet – Moon. The day of Mother. Feminine Caring Energy. Intuition. Family.
It is a day to spend with your family and children, especially a good day for contacting your mother, sisters, meeting girlfriends and enjoying the intuition and sensitivity this day brings.
Monday is not a day of big actions, it is rather a passive day. It is a very good day for anything housekeeping related whether at home or at work: cleaning, ironing, cooking, home and food shopping, paying the bills, arranging the maintenance people.
Good day for beginnings as long as they are not too important.
The day of natural beauty – natural face/hair/body masks. Massage. Detox.
Very good day for being in the water – swimming pool, river, sea, bath.
Colours – pastels, white, light natural materials. Material – silver. Stone – pearl, moonstone.
Planet – Mars. The day of Fire. Action. Courage. Sport. Challenging Physical Activity.
Tuesday is a day of active decisive actions, it favours the bold and quick, active and energetic. You can achieve success on this day if you act spontaneously, according to the first impulse, if you embody your ideas as soon as they arise, because Mars is a planet of speed, instincts and desires.
It is very good on this day of the week to show courage and determination, even if they are not inherent to you. It is important to simply show them to others, and they will appreciate it. The symbol of this day is a surge of energy and vitality.
If there is anything you need to do but have been scared to do it – Tuesday is the day!
Avoid aggression and open conflicts - Mars is able to inflate a big quarrel out of trifles. Finding a compromise in close relationships is also better put off until another day of the week. Avoid being passive today and enjoy the vibe of Power.
Colour – red. Material – iron, steel. Stone – red corals, garnet.
Planet – Mercury. The day of Intellect. Communication. Commerce. Learning.
Mercury gives us rationality, quick thinking and wit. Great time for learning or teaching, writing letters or any other types of communications.
The day is perfect for everything that requires clarity of thought, dialogue or decision making. Arrange business meetings and close profitable deals, start learning new things, make useful contacts. Good for public performance.
Mercury is a planet of commerce, and business, finance, and business negotiations will be favorable on Wednesday. Although, it is worth confessing that this day is better for theoretical planning than starting something long-term. Business negotiations tend to be successful. Also Wednesday is a good day for shopping!
Colour – green. Stone – emerald.
Planet – Jupiter. Wisdom. Luck. Prosperity. Law. Power. Important Beginnings.
Thursday is the most auspicious day of the week because this day is ruled by Jupiter - the largest and most virtuous planet. Jupiter is responsible for prosperity, abundance and high ideals, helping us to expand boundaries through spiritual practices and self-knowledge techniques.
This is a day of positive mood, attitude. On this day, people think more about expanding the scope of activity, education, increasing living space, about their authority. Jupiter is the planet of social life, and on this day you may want to go out, have fun. Jupiter is a social planet, so plan meetings with friends, relatives, and like-minded people. Let Thursday be your day of heart-to-heart communication with close ones.
Today is a wonderful day to start a large-scale project, restore justice, engage in political activities and social work. Any positive endeavor on Thursday will bear fruit. Therefore, you can safely plan for this day the beginning of long-term projects, opening new enterprises, celebrating weddings, business meetings, making important decisions.
A demonstration of professionalism, efficiency and competence is the secret of success on Thursday.
Colour – purple, indigo. Material – tin. Stone – Sapphire.
Planet – Venus. The day of Love. Beauty. Romance. Passion. Creativity. Fertility.
Venus is the goddess of love and beauty (Aphrodite). Venus is female sexual energy. Venus is the patron of arts, painting, dance, poetry and it gives us to appreciate beauty, to be harmonious, to love and to create beauty around.
Venus is associated with enjoying life, earthly love, aesthetics - on her day it’s good to go to the theater or watch a light romantic comedy. It is a good day to give gifts to loved one - sweets, flowers and jewelry.
Great day for any cosmetic procedures and visiting a beauty salon. Another day for shopping especially if it for clothes, jewellery, cosmetics or anything beautiful.
It is not a day to be alone or sad. Venus promotes joy, entertainment, pleasures. It is a great day to connect with inner creativity and do any types of art. Good day to open anyting art related – exhibitions, festivals, workshops.
Seeing friends, dancing. Great day for dates and any romantic gestures.
Also Friday is the day for charity and charity work.
Colours – pink, blue, pastels. Material – copper. Stone – turquoise, pink tourmaline, pink quarts.
Planet – Saturn. The day of Meditation. Rest.Nature. Transformation. Completion.
Saturn is the patron of Saturday. It is the coldest and ascetic planet that loves discipline, solitude and peace. On Saturday, it is better to be alone with yourself, relax and meditate. This day is ideal for everything that requires a sober, realistic and practical approach.
Great day to summarise events of the week and reassess your goals.
In order to prepare well for the new weekly cycle, stay outdoors, connect to nature, do some gardening. Practice silence and control what you say.
Time should be used as respectfully as possible on Saturday, giving preference only to important matters.
Colours – black, brown, grey, blue. Metal – lead. Stone – onyx.
Planet – Sun. The day of Father. Soul. Individuality. Happiness.
The symbol of the day is consciousness, responsibility, happiness and joy.
The sun has a beneficial effect on all human life processes, provides energy for starting a new business (short-term), creativity, social activities, self-development and retreats. On Sunday, it is also very favourable to spend time in nature - it is believed that on this day nature responds to all thoughts and words of a person, therefore it is recommended to control your negative emotions.
On Sunday, loneliness, isolation, selfishness should be avoided, more energy should be directed outward: to help others, enter into communities, be active, generous and creative. Also on this day it is recommended to make plans and goals for the next week, engage in self-knowledge, meditation, and visit places of worship.
Colours – yellow, orange, gold. Material – gold. Stone – ruby.