Controversial “The Rules” explained.
The Complete Book of Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider
The controversial “Rules” seem a bit of a blast from the past in our society of strong women and independent women.
The idea of waiting for a man to call, the idea of not taking initiative and being reactive to his behaviour feels wrong and outdated.
I understand you. It pays being proactive at work. It is nice to make decisions, having a plan and sticking to it. It is really rewarding to achieve and to earn. It is very important to have a voice.
Yes. I agree. More than that, I am a modern woman who is self-reliant and independent. I have strong opinions and follow the dream, the goals I set out to achieve. I vote. I matter. I inspire and empower.
My darlings, being strong and independent does not mean that you want to be alone. I coach many ladies that long for soulmate relationship, they are looking for the perfect man. Perfect in a sense of being perfect for them. Hand and glove sort of relationship.
Your wish could be granted. However, there is a little secret. Feminism does not remove the difference between the men and women. Stripped bare and face to face, we are still the same as the ladies and gentlemen of the stone age. He is the hunter, she is the prise.
This does not mean that he is in charge. Every successful relationship is based on an equality, women and men can play different roles, it does not matter who is a bread winner or who is staying at home looking after the children.
We have different energies and needs, feminine and masculine, she is eternal, he is structural. I work with energies, I teach the energies, and I can tell you that as long as the needs are fulfilled, the circle is complete and unbroken, the family will survive.
The Rules is a book I recommend for every woman who wants to find a man. You do not necessarily need to follow the Rules. You should know them, because they work on a deep, subconscious level. Yes, they are extreme, and when I work with clients, I do not encourage to be a slave of them, we discuss them and create bespoke approach to dating.
My mission is to help women and man to find their own, unique happiness. To achieve that I ask them to be open and educate themselves on different methods that already exist.
Speak soon.
Yours Oksana xx