Does money buy you happiness and what to do if you feel lost in your castle?

Not an active poster on social media, I am nevertheless an active user. I watch stories, I follow accounts of my friends, acquaintances and brands. 

I have been told that I need to share more as an expert or as an individual, I work on it, but for somebody as shy as myself, it is a challenge on its own. However, this article is not about my IG journey. 

Recently I visited a friend who I did not see for a couple of years. Her gorgeous house is an old shell with no books, no pretty personal touches, dark and empty; her beautiful face is a lie, she looks old and dishevelled. One bathroom does not work. One bed is broken..

I was shocked and upset how different the picture was from the truth. 

 For some reason I keep forgetting how often social medial is used to show off the imaginary wealth, to be seen wealthy equals being successful 

I am lucky to have experienced various financial circumstances from total abundance to hardship. Being now at a comfortable level, I am able to look back and share with you some memories of my younger years with love, lust and money playing a major role in a thriller of life and death

 The reason I am starting to open up now is because I feel the need to share with you what happened to me so you can understand why I felt that working with people, supporting people in challenging circumstance is my life purpose. 

I experienced tragic events such as coercive control, domestic abuse, war, loss of a business, loss of money, I was a main witness in a murder case, I stood up against the most threatening people in the world, I protected the weak and fought for justice even when our chances were low.

When I was younger, I thought that money is an answer for everything, now I know that money is just an instrument. Use it correctly and it will add comfort to your life, see it as a purpose and it will enslave your heart and soul. 


Those marriages that are financially secure, sometimes even proper wealthy, struggle like everyone else with the difference that women would often be ashamed to admit that they are unhappy. They would hide and pretend; they would do anything to present their lives as exemplary ones. 

I understand you, my darlings. I was there too. Nobody got me being depressed because I was a blonde beauty in a Porsche in Monaco. I will share the full story in my future articles, but for now please be reassured, whatever your pain is, I am here for you. 

If you are unhappy, if you are scared, if you do not know what to do next, please get in touch. Together we will find the way out, I guarantee you that. 

Take care and speak soon. 


Your Oksana xx


The Star of Hope. Life Compass. Guiding Star. Life Dream.

