
Lockdown has been challenging for many of us, a lot of families did not survive it and are going through break up or divorce at the moment.  

As a breakup coach, I hold a hand of my clients through this painful process helping them to empower and to start a new chapter. 

I’d like to talk to you about dating, what to pay attention to in order to escape the danger and to build a healthy and lasting family. 

I have absolutely no problem with sex at the early stages of dating. However, I am telling you that good sex is not a reason to live with or marry a person.  Yes, it is a major part. And anybody who knows me, would prove that I value sexual energy very highly. I even run workshops on sexual dates and techniques because physical connection is vital for any relationship. 

When you start seeing somebody and have chemistry, very often the common sense goes out of the window! How many times I go to that first few months with my divorce or breakup clients to only see the same traits that finally led to separation. 


Alarm bells exist to protect you from people who have the capacity to cause you harm. Unfortunately, Sex God or Goddess can also be a liar, a cheater or a control freak, which is dangerous for you. 

 The purpose of dating is to get to know the person, check out their values and habits, to test compatibility and to make a decision if you are ready to build a family with them. 

Dating is for checking out if the person is safe or dangerous. Dangerous not only in the form of violence or control. 

  • Are there any major challenges you may be facing and is it worth it? 

  • Family issues? 

  • Hobbies or passions? 

  • Religion?

  • Money philosophy?

  • Location?

  • Life plans and expectations? 

  • Commitment?

  • Children?

  • Mental health issues and experiences?

Dating is usually a temporary stage that should progress to attachment or end of a relationship. 

If you do not feel secure, if you are worried about your loved one commitment, if you are not sure about the future, have an honest and clear conversation with them about your concerns. 

I am always here to help and to support you through any challenges in the love life you may be facing. 


Yours Oksana 


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