What is a romantic relationship? The Basics
Essentially, romantic relationship is a partnership of two individuals who chose to be together in order to create a joint happy life.
The words to note here are:
1. Partnership
2. Two individuals
3. Chose
4. Happy joint life
There are many stories about a saviour coming into someone’s life in a shape of a relationship. That fairy tale scenario does happen, but let me remind you of 70% of marriages that go bust, let me remind you of those victims of abuse that spend fortunes on therapy and take years to recover, let me remind you of the children of unhappy marriages that pay a psychological price that like an inheritance is being passed from one generation to another.
The above examples may seem extreme, they are unfortunately a very common thing. Hopefully nothing like that has happened to you, but everyone has a story of a breakup when you go months or years back and try to see the signs of what was about to come.
I’m not going to name all the social and family conditioning and pressure every one of us experienced at least once.
Those are gooey and gorgeous reasons, like a demo in a lifestyle commercial. Same with dating.
One day he shows up smelling of macho Gods, takes you on a whirlwind romance with best restaurants, well thought trips, mesmerising words and starry nights.
Or she would turn up in a little to nothing and take your breath away, beautiful, regal, mysterious, happy and adoring creature you are ready to sacrifice your life and dreams for.
It’s called falling in love. The dangerous beginning when the adventure and expectations are enhanced by the crazy desire and physical need for that person.
Nature’s sweet little mousetrap. Because why? The aim is for the species to enhance. Whether you end up happy or not is irrelevant, nature wants you to breed. We breed when we are in love. Or in lust. Which is the same thing.
Romantic love doesn’t exist without lust.
What next? The natural high cannot last forever, sooner or later the blinkers are off and you see the human being you connected with for what they are and visa verse. The years go by and the person changes, you see them going through challenges, you go through challenges that either strengthen or weaken the bond.
It is normal to separate. Equally it is normal to stay together. The process is ok until the damage of abuse and manipulation happens. That is what I’m helping you to understand, avoid or break through.
I’m an advocate of healthy relationships in a world of broken hearts.
Relationship stages:
Dating * Attachment * Commitment.
Dating is fun, attachment is tricky, commitment is real.
In my next articles on romantic relationship I will talk about different stages of relationship, what to look for and what to be alarmed by, how to behave and what to expect in order for you to build a fulfilling and happy life.
Speak soon.
Your Oksana xxx