Five of Cups as A Point of No Return
When we view Tarot as a road our soul travels and grows, every card then a lesson, a clue given to us by the Universe to develop as a better, more successful individual.
5 of Cups is one of those confusing lessons when through an intricate game of “good” and “evil” we are taught a lesson of standing up for our greater self.
The bone numbing boredom and depression of 4 of Cups is being replaced with acute feeling of dissatisfaction. Cups is a suit of Water, Emotions so first of all we will Feel it; feel sad, disappointed, dissatisfied, anxious because your hopes for something better to happen in a love or professional life are gone.
Deep down you know that the dream job you got a year ago is not bringing you joy anticipated. You’ve realised that you and your fiancé are too different and you do not want to be with them anymore. A housewife just understood she had been living under abuse. Your employee, however lovely, is unsuitable for the job and you have to fire them. 5 of Cups is that bitter sweet moment when your boundary is crossed and you no longer can hold the status Quo, when 2 of Swords finally makes a decision. That decision is to act in your best interests. In the process your actions may sadden the other party but only because they broke the initial promise.
You feel sad and disappointed because you envisioned a different future, but we cannot control other people. Sometimes we just have to stand up for ourselves and have that unpleasant talk.
When 5 of Cups comes into reading it finally gives us clarity to see things that give us the biggest discomfort and get rid of them. Those 3 cups are not worth concentrating on. There are 2 that are still full, pay attention to them. Your situation is not an irreversible one. 5 of Cups gives us strength to recognise and fight for things that make us happy.