Tarot The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man
Card XII(12)
Numerologically related to The Empress (3) and The World (21)
Element Water
Symbols: An Upside Down Man with a Halo around his head. Odin. Merlin. The Pupa (Chrysalis) Of a Butterfly.
Turn Around and Change. All heroes have gone through trials in order to experience a transformation. You believe in the thing you are attached to, and you are attached to what you believe in. Assess your beliefs.
There are many cards in Tarot Deck that predict changes but none of them predict as dramatic inner changes as the Hanged Man. Along with the traditional meanings of sacrifice and suspense, this card indicates inner world turned upside down. Almost miraculously we are subjected to an alternative view, alternative reality that is occurring right in front of us. We start seeing, noticing and understanding something in our environment we were blind to before. This is the card of moving out of comfort zone, sacrificing the known for the new in a familiar place. The moment of expanding the comfort zone is akin being turned upside down. It is scary and yet inevitable.
I would expect this card to come up when a person expands or changes his spiritual beliefs, often finding faith, spiritual powers or the Gift, especially when reinforced by Hermit, Hierophant, High Pristess, The Moon and 8 of Cups.
When combined with the Star it could mean a Eureka moment when suddenly everything starts making sense.
As to how long you will be up in the air depends on how fast you could add the dots and collect the puzzle. So even though generally The Hanged Man means slowly than expected it does not mean that it is not a card of action. It is a card of the incessant inner work, of the courage of the heart. Regardless of the result one has to keep the morale up and continue working. The option of surrendering is always open to you. It might, in fact, be the quickest way to a complete and total victory.
It is also a material card. In Mythical Tarot Hanged Man is depicted as Prometeus, the titan who brought fire to the human kind and was punished by god Zeus by chaining him to the cliff and sending an Eagle to devour his liver day in day out.
Fire has a direct connection to Money. Even in everyday life everything Fire touches is money. Introducing Fire to humans by Prometeus can be compared to Eve biting the Apple. The innocence was gone, the world had become materialistic place and has paid with sacrifice for sophistication and progress.
Prometeus ended up alright, he was rescued by Heracles after 30 years of torture, was made immortal and worshiped by people. It was in his honour that people started wearing rings started from that time onwards.
When Hanged Man comes up in a reading there is a financial opportunity in unlikely places with unlikely people in store for the querent. This is the card of unexpected allegiances, of the times when enemies become friends.
The lesson of the Hanged Man is a long one and yet this can just become the most exciting and liberating journey of your life.