Tarot Judgement
Card XX (20)
Numerologically related to High Priestess (2), Justice (11)
Element Fire
Symbols: Angel Gabriel, Phoenix, An open shell with its pearl, Butterfly
Divine Call – A calling from within (your talent, a call for freedom or change).
You are able to move in the direction of your Highest Calling. Being True to Yourself.
The last card of the Tarot is The World (21), the card of true Purpose. Judgement is the event that happens before you are your true Purpose.
Judgement is the card of the Higher Call, understanding and finding your potential, choosing to follow it and then doing everything in your power to achieve it. It is a card of Action.
You cannot ignore the call, it is loud and obvious.
There is a feeling of going home, finding joy in familiarity even if in unfamiliar environment. Your soul had been calling and now you hear its voice. It’s a eureka Moment, a sudden clarity. There is chance to reinvent yourself, to create the person or situation you always wanted to become.
It is possible that a part of you is either in a deep sleep or restricted in a tight and dark place. The divine call adds light to your dwelling, resurrects you and it is your choice to choose the Heaven or Hell. As Judgment is also a card of a profound choice that will change the course of your future. Let go of what had been. The wounds had been healed. Use past as a fertiliser for the seeds of the new. Accept the Fear and still go ahead because Fear is a natural part of this card. Get rid of the habit of putting the blame on yourself and others.
You are able to make considered decisions and come to sensible conclusions. The puzzle is coming together and you are now are able to see a whole, completed picture of yourself.
“It’s our choices (Harry) that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.” Albus Dumbledore.
On a prediction level this card means Transition from one state to another.
Plans long in making will come to fruition. You may get a new job or promotion. A project you had been developing may take off. Or you may decide to take a retirement. Whatever happens you need to start taking action. It is the time to make a stand. There is time limit in place for this card.
In relationship it may mean a different level of relationship: a proposal, marriage, it can, however, also mean a separation when it is your true calling.
This card is closely related to the Tower because of its strong Divine intervention, but unlike the Tower which operates through destruction, Judgment works through creation. It is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is advisable to follow it through.