Tarot Queen of Wands
Too Much Caution Og Mandino, The Choice
"So many of us think ourselves into smallness, into inferiority, by thinking downward. We are held back by too much caution. We are timid about venturing. We are not bold enough. And so we die before we reach middle age, although we will not be lowered into the ground until we pass three score and ten.
What happened to the grand dreams of our youth? They were struck down by our own caution, our own lack of faith in ourselves and our own abilities. Opportunities? There were many. But always there was risk. Do we dare?
We vacillate. Time hurries by. Opportunity gone. We anguish. The years roll on. Finally, we convince ourselves that it’s too late and settle for cheap imitations of life. We envy the achievers. How lucky they are.
I choose a better way to live!"
The Seer also known as Queen of Wands
This lady you came to meet is as alive and hot as Fire can be. Constantly burning with ideas she is very capable of making them into reality, she is spontaneous and unpredictable, although stubborn at times she can at once abandon all boring and old to follow an exciting passion. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she is able to make successful allegiances in most unlikely places. Extremely free spirited she gets almost physically ill when for some reason she has to conform to the rules she does not accept.
Temperamental and opinionated she is at the same time charming and tactful to those around her, but do not take kindness for weakness. When her boundaries are crossed, when she feels she is not being treated rightly or is simply bored, she’d relish a fire storm so the Phoenix could rise above the ashes.
This lady is one of the most magical in Tarot. She is tuned into the nature, has close ties with her Fire element, she is comfortable in her own skin and is supernatural. Her confidence comes from knowing The Truth and Seeing Things for What They Are.
She is Love. The first kisses and frantic heartbeats. She is weak knees and butterflies. She is that first unforgettable night and many more unforgettable nights. She is sensual. She is sex.
This Queen is very popular. Women and men fight for her attention but she prefers to be admired from afar.