Tarot. The Art of Divination.
Would not it be easy to just open the cards and see the future events, to know when the soulmate comes your way, to hear the tatter of little voices, to smell yet unplanned baby and to know when the money would finally come your way?
Easy or scary? Some things are better left alone, discovered in time, some relationships are better left developing because there is an unmistaken charm in happy surprises, in achieving, in allowing the strength of character to develop and take you the highest mountains you could not even imagine conquering.
For centuries people were fascinated with the Divine. The strong tried to use it as a tool. The scared burned at stakes unknown, mysterious beings that had a capability to heal and harm as they pleased. The crafty pretended to Know and charged as much as they pleased. In our day and age the Art of the Divine is no longer a forbidden subject, there are sites, programs and even schools teaching magic, prophecy etc. etc. etc. For those of us who genuinely lead a magical lifestyle Divine is as normal as a bowl of cereal in the morning. Walking the streets being in tune with the Universe, asking questions and finding the answers on street signs, checking the phone the moment before it starts ringing, not waiting for the tube and always getting a seat, feeling connections and knowing the true desires of those around you. Having a 6th sense.
We all know what intuition is, the jolt of a funny feeling, it may be good or bad, but it is something that either warns us or says go ahead. Businessmen know it, warriors, doctors, drivers, firefighters, policemen, stock traders... The list can be endless. In everyday life mothers so often feel for their babies, children for parents, partners are in tune with each other. You all know what I mean, you have experienced it at least once. The extraordinary suddenly becomes ordinary because we are all capable of it.
Intuition is a very personal method of prediction. It is looking beyond seen and known, it is lifting the veil and hearing messages spoken to us. “Gut feeling” is as much mystical as “Tarot”, “Palm Readings”, “Tea Leaves” and myriads of other mediums allowing us to look further. Yet gut feeling is not scary because gut feeling is a common thing. We all dance in the shower, but how many of us become professional dancers? How many of us feel the irresistible pull of the music when all we can think of is self-expression, movement, and in some cases interaction with those watching, sharing the energy, sharing the joy? Same with the Divine. Some of us have a pull, talent, understanding. We were born this way and we cannot help but being spiritual. And yes, we can see into the future further than unexpected bolts of intuition, we can also see the past and most importantly we can see the present.
I am not going to talk about the history of Tarot, this information could be easily googled. The truth is - we do not know for sure how the cards came into existence. There are only speculations. There are 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. Those 78 cards for me are pages, lessons we experience through life. Tarot talks in riddles, images, and when interpreted they paint a picture of reality. Effectively, Tarot is a tool that in right hands can guide, can help to understand what’s really going on and to successfully plan ahead. The best way to predict a future is to create it. Nothing is set in stone and we have Free Will, of that there is no doubt. Tarot will suggest, Tarot will show the weak and strong points and then it’s up to you what you’d do with the information given.
If you are in darkness, Tarot is a torch that can enlighten and help to see where we really stand. It is a friendly, loving space that is there to assist, never to make a decision. Very often when I talk about Tarot I see fear, people are scared to know the inevitable. The way a lot of readers read scares me too. I want to have flexibility, I hate to think that my life has been planned for me and I am destined to meet this and that at that particular day. I like to make my own choices. The way I see Tarot is Spiritual Guidance, Counselling even. Most common spread would represent a cross-section of the querent’s life. We look into the current state of affairs, matters of the heart and work, we check what events in the past lead us to being where we stand now, we check what our conscious desires are and open the secrets of subconscious that really drives us; only then we check the possible future. The future that could be changed or enhanced depending of what we do next.
Every reading is unique and profound making us notice things that do matter most. The main purpose of the reading is to help you to grow further as a happy individual, helping us to make sense of life’s lessons, giving us a beacon of hope that sooner or later all will be well.
Every day is an opportunity. Tarot will simply point you in the right direction. It’s up to you if you follow its guidance or not. After all, we all have a Free Will.
Oksana Redfern xxx