The Star of Hope in the Turbulent Ocean of Time
Life is beautiful and yet it is volatile. There is no peace without struggle and no light without darkness.
For our personality to evolve further we are presented with challenging situations to develop. This process is the driving force of civilisation.
In reality it could be going through education, finding a job, learning another language, falling in love, raising a family, developing a hobby, fighting for inner freedom etc. etc. etc. Basically, everything that happens to us during the lifetime is a lesson. We all know that, right?
Well, we do not even think about it until we reach proper hard times. When we fail, and then fail again. We do not believe in ourselves, we experience mental and sometimes physical pain, our surrounding space is unfriendly, recourses are on decline. We are in a lonely dark space. Those who understand cannot help, and those who can help do not care. Every step you make is against resistance, it is against fear. Every step you make is in the darkness, you cannot see where you are going but you are moving anyway.
You are moving because you feel a powerful call from a faraway star, the Star of Hope. The inspiration. The Muse. The Rejuvenator.
It is something we believe is possible to happen in the future. We have a mental image in our mind, the dream, where everything turns out the way we wanted, and this image is tremendously empowering.
Hope does not need to be rational, the dream can be of anything you personally believe is possible. Hope is having Faith in achieving almost impossible and being granted Love at the end of it. Love in its so many different faces. It is not always a romantic card. Some love the sky, some love their children, some love humanity.. After all, Love is the only answer.
The Star is a promise of love in the future, love that heals the pain, love that makes one dance in tune with the Universe. Practical happiness. What everyone believe happiness is for them. It is as individual as Love.
There are many interpretations of this card, I love the Mythic Tarot take on it as of The Star of Hope out of the Pandora’s box .
Titans and Gods were feuding and the humans were as always their punchbag. The myth is here for you to check out. Pandora was the first and the most beautiful woman created by Gods. Pandora was curious. Zeus gave her a box as a gift asking never to open it. As if. Pandora opened it and let out all the terrible Spites gathered by Zeus – Old Age, Labour, Sickness, Insanity, Vice and Passion – to spread all over the earth. The Star of Hope was in the box too, seemingly fragile but the only potent weapon against the darkness we experience at times. The spark of the Divine. Our inner light that is always there as a compass of direction and the direction.
Therefore Hope is the Heroes most powerful ally in the times of struggle. It is something that make children into men. It is the inner light that impossible to extinguish. It is subconscious messages understood by conscious. It is the Knowledge of the Divine. It is spiritual. It is a birthplace of bravery.
he Star is one of the cards that is always welcome. It is not the Hero, but without the Star Heroes would not exist.
The Star says to you: “ Relax darling, you will achieve what you set out to achieve. Not immediately, not without a struggle, but you will. I am the dream that will come true.”