The answer to Happiness is Harmony.

You can move on when your spirit is as light as a feather.

Then you can fly.



I believe that happiness lies in the harmony of the 3 following elements:


Success: Individual and Professional. 

When person is happy with him / herself, when there is a certainty about his or hers identity doubled up with the feeling of being needed in this Universe, of being an invaluable member of the society it is as if two strong wings are opening your shoulders and you are flying.

Relationships: Personal and Social. 

No man is an island and we all crave love.

Healthy and happy relationships are based on aligning with your own values, sticking to your boundaries and respecting and treasuring yours and others space.


Inner Peace and Stability. Beliefs. Everything is connected and outer world is a reflection of inner world. 

I believe that everybody deserves to be the best version of themselves. I believe we are creators of our happiness. My aim is to spread the knowledge and experience that would help people to quiet the washing machines in their minds and to help them to achieve their dreams.


I bought my first Tarot Deck in a small book shop in Stony Stratford in 2000. By that time I was familiar with Divine but would not think that divination was my thing.

What a journey it has been! It happens that predicting future is not the main purpose of the cards, but the philosophical journey of the soul, the understanding of the various challenges in life, the tools of how to deal even with the most atrocious circumstances.

Tarot Cards explain the way the Energies affect the way we think and act. They help to decipher our intentions and understand why we achieve certain results.

Nowadays, instead of looking into the future, I assess the current situation and see which Tarot Card it represents. This way we are alluded to a lesson we are going through right now and next steps to be taken.

I teach Tarot Cards and run workshops based on a particular card. I do Tarot Card readings that allow the client to see the true picture of their reality, what is actually happening in all areas of their life, i.e. Emotional, Professional, Conscious, Subconscious, what events of the past lead to the current circumstances, what is expected to happen in the future, the strengths and the weaknesses, the lesson finished, the lesson starting.

Tarot Cards are beautiful and I invite to find out for yourself. Below I have written some articles about the meaning of cards, my personal experiences and the tips for those of you who are studying the craft.

Tarot. The Art of Divination.

If you are in darkness, Tarot is a torch that can enlighten and help to see where we really stand. It is a friendly, loving space that is there to assist, never to make a decision. Very often when I talk about Tarot I see fear, people are scared to know the inevitable. The way a lot of readers read scares me too. I want to have flexibility, I hate to think that my life has been planned for me and I am destined to meet this and that at that particular day. I like to make my own choices. The way I see Tarot is Spiritual Guidance, Counselling even.

Tarot Cards Meanings